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Average Weight of 2 Month Old

Weight is one of the very first indicators of a baby’s development, to which mothers and pediatricians pay the most attention. Parents are always worried about weight gain. They carefully monitor nutrition and are always worried if the baby’s weight does not meet the standards.

Weight gain is an extremely individual indicator. Your baby does not have to grow according to the manual. Many children are initially born larger. Weight depends on genetics and largely on the nutrition of the mother.

Pediatricians keep a mandatory record of weight in the first year of life. Every month you will visit the doctor and the baby will be weighed at the reception. Weight gain should be approximately even. Weight gain closer to the first year of life in 1 month will be much lower than at the beginning.

The average weight of 2 month old baby

The average weight for boys and girls at 2 months will be different. The average weight of boys will normally be 11 lb. The figures for girls are slightly lower. Two-month-old girls will weigh 8.8 lb.

2 Month Old Baby Weight

Individual indicators of the height and weight of your child may not fit into the beautiful norms of statistics. There is no need to worry ahead of time. The main thing is to monitor the regular nutrition and condition of your baby. Weight is an important indicator, but it cannot be the same for all children. Abnormal deviations you will notice immediately. The rest shouldn’t bother you.

Every Baby has Different Weight

Each child is individual. The baby maintains its growth rate from the very moment of conception and all intrauterine development. The weight of the baby after birth is a little easier to control. You can enter additional food or diet if necessary. Weight will always depend on many factors that affect it.

Factors affecting weight

There are a huge number of factors that affect weight. This may be genetic and ethnic characteristics, health status, diet, or the amount of milk the mother has. The mixture is prescribed for a lack of natural nutrition in the form of mother’s milk. It helps to maintain weight. A pediatrician helps to normalize the diet and can even prescribe a diet when the weight is in excess.

Minor deviations from accepted international weight standards should not be a cause for concern. The reason for the experience can only be a weight significantly below the 5th percentile weight. This is a feature and not a deviation of your baby if the weight is in the redistribution of the lower norm.

How Much Boys Weight at 2 month Old

Boys are often born slightly larger than girls. That is the nature of man. Weight indicators at 2 months will fall between 8.8 lb and 13.2 lb. These data will be within the normal range or slightly deviate from them. It all depends on genetics, the mother’s nutrition, birth weight, and nutrition in the first months of life.


The average weight of a boy at 2 months according to the CDC is 11 lb. Such indicators will be in babies who were born with a weight of about 6.6 – 7.2 lb. These data will reach exactly this average level while maintaining a stable weight gain.

The baby loses about 10% of its original weight in the first few days after birth. Further, this decrease stops and there is an increase. The baby can add from 1.3 lb to 2.2 lbs. in 1 month.

5th Percentile Weight

The lower limit of the normal weight for a boy of 2 months is 9 lb. Small deviations from the 5th percentile weight should not worry you much. It is better to seek help from a specialist if the baby’s weight is significantly below the accepted indicators. Be sure to check if you have enough milk. Perhaps the child is not eating enough.

Moderately exceeding the 5th percentile weight is not a cause for concern. It should occur if the baby is very large and its indicators of the lower limit of the norm go off the scale.

95th Percentile Weight

The upper limit of the normal weight for a 2-month-old baby is 14.1 lb. We are talking about overweight or obesity if this figure is much higher. The intervention of a pediatric nutritionist is required in this case.

When there is a risk of obesity in the first place you need to find out the causes. They can serve various diseases such as diabetes. Sometimes the cause is improperly organized nutrition. The baby hangs on the breast for a long time or eats mixtures more than the prescribed norm.

How Much Girls Weight at 2 month Old

Most girls are statistically born smaller than boys. The weight indicators of a two-month-old baby will be in the range of 8.3- 13 lb. There are situations when a girl at birth weights as normal as a monthly baby. Then her weight indicators by 2 months will be significantly higher than normal. The weight of each baby is below the accepted international indicators for multiple pregnancies.


The average normal weight for a 2-month-old girl should be 10.8 lb according to the CDC. These indicators were set taking into account the standard weight loss after birth and a stable increase during each month.

If the baby was born about 6.6 -7.7 lb, then by 2 months her weight will correspond to the CDC average. In case of premature birth, the presence of deviations, multiple pregnancy, or other factors, weight indicators will be different. It is necessary to control weight gain for each month in this case.

5th Percentile Weight

The 5th percentile weight of a 2-month-old girl is 8.3 lb. This is a lower limit than normal. Values significantly below the data will be considered underweight. It may be due to a lack of milk or formula. The child in this case will visually be thin and small.

Compliance with the norms indicates the proper development and well-organized nutrition of the baby. She should add at least 2.2 – 2.6 lb by 2 months from birth.

95th Percentile Weight

Exceeding the norm of the 95th percentile weight indicates the presence of obesity. Excess weight can seriously harm the health of the child. The upper limit of the normal weight for a girl of 2 months is 13 lb. Indicators within this norm are considered acceptable. Requires nutritional control and adherence to the regime. The pediatrician can in some cases prescribe a diet or adjust the feeding process.

What is Considered Obesity for 2 month old?


Girls have their own upper and lower limits of normal weight. They are slightly lower than boys. You can understand whether your baby’s weight indicators go off scale based on CDC data. You should check with the norm if there is such a concern. Obesity is considered to be significantly higher than the 95th percentile weight. It can be over 13.2 lb by 2 months.


Indicators of the critical maximum weight for boys of 2 months are higher than for girls. Exceeding the 95th percentile weight for them should not be more than 14.5 lb. This weight is considered high and overweight, and everything above it is already obese.

You can start worrying when the baby becomes visually very large for his age. Don’t skip your regular doctor’s appointments. They are mandatory for up to 1 year, as is the monthly weighing procedure. This will help control weight gain.

There is no pattern in who is more obese boys or girls. This is a consequence of genetic predisposition. Poorly organized diet and low mobility can cause obesity. They are most often affected by artificially fed children. The mixture is a heavier and high-calorie food.

Signs That Baby is Not Eating Enough

There are many signs of nutritional deficiencies in a 2-month-old baby.  Among them are the following:

  • Infrequent urination Normally, they should be at least 7 times a day. The diaper overflows regularly.
  • Infrequent bowel movements Babies 2 months old normally do this after almost every meal.
  • Worry and cry The baby does not sleep well, often wakes up at night, and regularly screams.
  • Visual cues Severe thinness, short stature, poor skin condition.
  • Weight gain in 1 month is well below 600 grams.

Recommendations for Parents and Their Babies

Conscious motherhood, responsible preparation, and the desired pregnancy always determine the best care for your baby. Constant weight control is an integral part of the life of parents for up to 1 year. You can adjust the nutrition, depending on what weight the baby was born with and how the process of weight gain is going. Use the recommendations of your pediatrician or trusted sources of information for this.

Nutrition and Diet

Focus on the lower and upper indicators of the norm of weight at 2 months. Consider a combination diet if your child is underweight. The mixture is introduced gradually. The child should not spit it up and show allergic reactions. Reconsider the diet if the upper limits of the norm are significantly exceeded. Reduce the number of grams per meal with artificial feeding. Try not to overexpose the baby at the breast while breastfeeding.


A regular ritual at 2 months should be the physical activity of the baby. Lay it on your tummy after sleep. Let him practice holding his head well. This strengthens the muscles of the back and neck, as well as the abs. Massage your child with physical exercises. Bend the arms and legs of your child, and seat him in the “frog” position. The correct ratio of the period of rest and physical activity guarantees a stable weight within the normal range.

Eliminate Stress

If a breastfeeding mother is constantly under stress, this can lead to a significant decrease or even disappearance of milk. Stress has a detrimental effect on the appetite of the baby himself. You and he remain one even after birth. The child perceives any emotional vibrations extremely sensitively.

Keep a sleep schedule

The accumulation of fatigue with constant sleep deprivation can lead to weight loss. Appetite may disappear due to lack of sleep per day. The child is noticeably thinner and weaker. He is constantly in a state of stress and experiences an increased load on the nervous system. Keep a sleep schedule. This will keep the weight within the normal range.

Why Your Baby’s Weight is Not Close to Average

Gaining weight is a very individual process. The baby may have a good appetite and eat a lot while gaining more weight than expected. Or he eats little from birth and likes frequent, not plentiful meals. Do not try to strictly follow the methodical data. Your baby’s weight may be different from the average.


The baby will be born the same if everyone in your family is small and of low weight. He will have nowhere to take other genetic information and mechanisms of development. Monthly weight indicators will also be significantly lower than the average accepted norms.

Premature birth

When a child was born prematurely, he catches up in weight with the intrauterine period that he shortened. Babies born at 7 months or earlier cannot weigh the same as those born at term. This means that their average weight indicators will be significantly lower. Parents are advised in this case to focus on the increased rates for the month and not on the CDC standards.

Multiple pregnancy

The weight of babies will be significantly lower with multiple pregnancy. It is divided by about half the generally accepted norm of birth weight. Subsequent weight norms may be significantly lower than is accepted by international norms.

Lack of nutrition

The lack of milk in the mother requires an immediate solution to the problem. It is necessary to enter the mixture if the location cannot be restored. You should immediately notice that the weight indicators are significantly below the average value.

Presence of diseases

Very low or significantly high weight may indicate the presence of diseases. Being overweight is often the result of diabetes. Lack of weight may be due to the development of rickets or more serious diseases.

Violation of the daily routine

Weight problems can occur with serious violations of diet, sleep, rest, and activity. The lack of balance in the daily schedule leads to a decrease or increase in appetite. As a result, the weight is significantly added or reduced

When Should You Worry?

The cause of concern should be constant deviations from the norm of the weight. Nutrition adjustment is required if the weight is outside the lower or upper limits of the norm. The appearance of the baby may be a reason for excitement. You can immediately see a serious deficit or excess weight without any weighing. Seek professional help promptly.

There are symptoms such as lethargy, lack of a period of wakefulness, and a serious discrepancy with developmental norms. These are bright signals that the baby is not getting enough nutrients.

If the child spits up often and profusely, this indicates problems with digestion. This is often observed with the introduction of the mixture. Either you significantly exceed the dose or the child experiences discomfort when eating. All parents have their reasons for concern. Do not ignore them and immediately consult a doctor.

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