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Balance of Vitamin B6 During Pregnancy

A woman’s body undergoes multiple changes during childbearing. The work of the hormonal system and metabolism is rebuilt, and the composition of the blood changes. Pregnant women need an increased intake of vitamins and minerals.

A sufficient level of vitamin intake is necessary to maintain the functioning of the organs of the expectant mother and the development of the fetus. Vitamin B6 is essential during pregnancy for the production of amino acids. Proteins involved in the formation of embryonic cells are synthesized from them. The substance is necessary to maintain metabolic processes.

An acute lack of vitamin B6 provokes disturbances in the work of the nervous system of the expectant mother. Early toxicosis in pregnant women is associated with a substantial deficiency. You can get the required amount of vitamins from food. It is worth discussing with your doctor the use of synthetic element supplements for acute B6 deficiency.

Impact of vitamin B6 during pregnancy

Vitamin B6 belongs to water-soluble vitamins. It is also called pyridoxine. This is the common name for the six compounds that make up the substance. Vitamin B6 plays an important role in the human body as it is involved in more than hundreds of enzymatic reactions.

B6 is involved in the metabolism of neurotransmitters, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and dissolved nicotinic acids. Vitamin B6 plays a central role in protein metabolism. These processes affect the maintenance of the human nervous system and the health of the skin and muscles.

For pregnant women, it is important to get a daily intake of vitamin B6, as this is directly related to the well-being of the expectant mother. This vitamin is effective against early toxicosis and can improve mood. The element helps the fetus to absorb proteins, and carbohydrates are responsible for the development of the brain and nervous system of the embryo.

The required amount of vitamin B6 in the Pregnant Body

Vitamin B6 is necessary for a person in different quantities, depending on age, gender, lifestyle, and personal physiological needs. For non-pregnant women aged 18 to 50 years, it is enough to take up to 1.3-1.5 mg of the substance per day. Pregnant women need to increase the level of consumption of pyridoxine to 1.9 mg per day.

Mothers who are breastfeeding their infants should receive high levels of vitamin B6 through food or supplements. Since the child does not draw the necessary substance from the mother’s body, he needs to receive vitamins from breast milk. Pediatricians recommend that nursing mothers consume 1.9 mg of the element per day and maintain this level of vitamin B6 throughout the entire lactation period.

Vitamin B6 rich foods for pregnancy

Vitamin B6 is found in many foods. Pregnant women can make a menu in such a way as to fully receive vitamin B6 in the required amount. Most vitamin B6 is found in turkey meat, beef, salmon, and tuna. A portion of meat or fish can satisfy the need for a substance by 50%.

High concentration of B6 in nuts, avocados, chickpeas, potatoes, bananas, and dairy products. One serving of white cheese provides 12% of the daily value of the vitamin. It is important to remember that heat treatment of products reduces the content of vitamins by 20-30%. The concentration of the vitamin is reduced to 70% when grinding cereals into flour. It is recommended to eat more bran.

Vitamin B6 in Common Foods per 1 LB:

Pistachios7.65 mg
Wheat Bran5.85 mg
Beans4 mg
Salmon3.6 mg
Walnut3.65 mg
Tuna3.45 mg
Hazelnut3.15 mg
Chicken Yolk2 mg
Potato1.35 mg

Should you take a vitamin B6 supplement?

A pregnant woman will be able to get the daily requirement of vitamin B6 if she eats a variety of foods. Not all women during the period of gestation have the opportunity to make a balanced diet. Many do not like fish or do not eat meat. Deficiency of the component is experienced by people with kidney disease and autoimmune diseases.

The lack of healthy red blood cells to deliver oxygen to the tissues is produced in the body in such cases. Reduced levels of vitamin B6 adversely affect the development of the fetus in pregnant women. A lack of pyridoxine is often combined with a lack of other B vitamins. These substances are necessary to maintain the health of the expectant mother and fetus.

It is worth discussing with a gynecologist the use of a synthetic supplement if a woman cannot receive pyridoxine within the normal range. Multivitamins contain a balanced dosage and are correctly combined with other components. Do not take supplements without consulting your doctor.

How to know the level of vitamin B6 in the body

A woman needs to receive a complex of vitamins and minerals during the period of gestation. The lack of vitamin B6 is signaled by symptoms in the form of dermatitis, gum inflammation, and burning in the mouth. There is a general decrease in immunity and a decline in mood. It is worth taking an analysis of the content of vitamin B6 in the blood so as not to confuse these signs with other causes.

You will need to conduct a blood test for the presence of pyridoxine. The analysis is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach. The last meal should take place no earlier than 6-8 hours before visiting the clinic. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of fatty fried foods a day before the delivery of biological material. The result of the analysis may be affected by the patient’s use of drugs and antibiotics.

What does vitamin B6 deficiency affect?

Pyridoxine is involved in over a hundred processes, so it is extremely important to consume the norm of the substance per day. An acute shortage of vitamin B6 is possible in people suffering from kidney and liver diseases. Pregnant women need an increased intake of the element because the child takes part of the vitamin from the mother’s body. Vitamin B6 deficiency can be signaled by the following symptoms:

Skin rash Acute deficiency of pyridoxine causes seborrheic dermatitis, inflammation of the tissues of the tongue, and cracks in the lips. Possible itching of the scalp, redness, and peeling of the epithelium.

Low mood Vitamin B6 is associated with the formation of serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid. Substances directly affect the anxiety and irritability of a person.

Low energy and constant fatigue Vitamin B6 is involved in the formation of red blood cells. They deliver oxygen to cells throughout the body. Lack of B6 causes a decrease in hemoglobin levels, which leads to the formation of anemia.

Immunity deterioration Deficiency of the vitamin pyridoxine inhibits the synthesis of leukocytes and antibodies. They help fight viruses, infections, and bacteria.

Pain in the limbs Pyridoxine deficiency has been linked to nerve damage, which causes tingling in the arms and legs. Often beriberi B6 causes cramps in the muscles of the limbs.

Increased homocysteine levels This is an amino acid that appears during the digestion of protein. A deficiency of B vitamins inhibits the excretion of homocysteine from the body. Its accumulation provokes cardiovascular diseases.

Does vitamin B6 cause nausea in pregnancy?

Some women complain of nausea while taking synthetic vitamin B6 supplements. Complexes for pregnant women contain several vitamins and minerals. Certain of them irritate the gastric mucosa such as iron. A woman may feel sick due to individual intolerance to the components of the supplement in rare cases.

Many nutrients are absorbed better in combination with food and women drink them on an empty stomach. It is necessary to carefully study the recommendations for the use of tablets before taking vitamin supplements. You should consult a gynecologist and adjust the dose of vitamin B6 in case of nausea.

Is it possible to overdose on vitamin B6?

An overdose of vitamin B6 is extremely unlikely when eating normal foods. Pyridoxine poisoning is possible with excessive intake of synthetic vitamins. Doctors talk about the health risks of getting 1000 mg of vitamin B6 per day. Side effects in some cases have been seen with the use of 300 mg of the element per day.

Hypervitaminosis B6 most often causes skin rashes. People complain of increased acidity in the stomach in some cases. Chronic overdose of pyridoxine causes neurological diseases. Sometimes the condition is accompanied by nerve damage and numbness of the limbs. Anaphylactic shock is possible in rare cases.

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