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Train Travel with Infant

The train is one of the most accessible modes of transport in many countries around the world. It is also a safe way to cover a long distance (compared to a car or plane). A large number of trips people plan on the train. The need for travel remains when a child appears in the family. Often mothers are frightened by the prospect of spending several hours in a train compartment with a baby.

It is important to understand that the life of parents will change after the birth of a child. This also applies to travel. Do not give up summer vacation or a trip to your parents in any case. It is important to plan your trip correctly so that the time on the train passes calmly and profitably. You should think over the menu, hygiene, and leisure for the baby.

Travel With Infant Can be a Great Bonding Time

Train travel with infants is possible because there are no age restrictions for traveling by train with children. It is recommended to buy a ticket in a compartment so that mom and child are comfortable. You will be able to limit the communication of a small child with strangers. The baby may feel a little uncomfortable at first, but being close to the mom will help to quickly adapt.

A small enclosed space will allow you to enjoy the company of a child. Small children cannot sleep separately on the train, so sleeping together brings the baby and mother closer. Babies as young as six months old will enjoy watching the changing scenery outside the window. Parents will be able to show and explain the meaning of the objects they see.

You can read, tell stories, color pictures, and listen to music with children from the age of one. It is important to find an activity that both the child and the mother will like equally. Then a joint trip will be an excellent opportunity to get closer, to discover new sides of the baby’s character.

Issues and Safety Hazards When Train Traveling with Baby

Any travel with a small child has risks. First of all, mothers are worried about how the baby will endure a long trip for the first time. Parents are worried about whether the child will cry, act up, or create inconvenience for other passengers.

Young children are prone to infectious diseases. Second-class carriages are enclosed spaces that are rarely ventilated. This poses a risk of catching an infectious or viral disease. It is necessary to limit the communication of the baby with other passengers. A large number of strangers can frighten a small child. Traveling on a train with a baby has other dangers.

The threat of falling off a shelf

Parents do not like the trip in the second-class carriage, because it is not always possible to get tickets to the lower shelf. A fall due to negligence or during sudden braking can provoke a concussion, fractures, or bruises.

Babies under two years of age are not yet aware of the dangers of heights, so it is forbidden to put them there. It is worth buying tickets in advance or choosing a compartment instead of a reserved seat.

The danger of contracting a viral disease

Many kids like to communicate with strangers. Various travelers gather in the carriage. You cannot be sure that they are all healthy. It is better not to allow strangers to take the baby in their arms.

Babies who can sit and crawl explore the outside world through touch and taste. It is recommended to treat with an antiseptic or wipe with wet wipes the places that the child will touch to prevent viral diseases.

Possibility of overheating during the hot season

Often there are no air conditioners in the carriages. This threatens to overheat the baby. Worth to swaddle the baby. To ensure that the baby gets enough fluid if the woman is feeding the baby on a schedule, you can breastfeed on demand. Older children should be offered water periodically.

Risk of poisoning

Poisoned by stale food or water can be children who have stopped breastfeeding. It is worth bringing water for the children. It is necessary to stock up on dry biscuits, baby formula, and fruit puree in hermetic packages. It is better to choose food in small jars so that the baby can eat it at a time.

The danger of motion sickness on the train

Most children tolerate train travel well. A small percentage of babies can get motion sickness while on the road. It is recommended to feed the baby two to three hours before the trip and watch the baby along the way.

Do Babies Enjoy Traveling by Train?

Babies do not yet understand the meaning of traveling by car or train. The main thing for them is that their mother is nearby. Children aged from one to one and a half years are aware of the change in the situation. Babies are inquisitive. They like to explore the world around them and explore new premises.

Toddlers from one and a half years old find a lot of interesting things on the train: the pictures that change outside the window resemble film frames. The measured sound of the wheels calms the children. You can read books, collect puzzles, and come up with role-playing games for fun. From the trip, there will be pleasant memories if it is not too long and does not tire the child.

Tips for Parents when Traveling by Train with Infants

Parents traveling on a train for the first time with their children do not have experience in dealing with such situations. It is necessary to fold your things and the baby’s bag in advance. Experienced travelers recommend taking small luggage. It is worth making a list of things in advance.

It will be difficult for the mom to cope with the baby and bags. Travel with other adults if possible. It is recommended to plan the route in such a way that the child sleeps most of the time. Then there will be no problems with the adaptation of the baby to an unfamiliar place. You will be able to enjoy the voyage if you follow the advice of experienced parents.

Everything changes with the birth of a child – Even careful planning of a trip does not mean that everything will go smoothly. Children’s crying, and whims – this is normal and you should not blame yourself for the “bad” behavior of the baby.

Don’t worry ahead of time – The rule “calm mother – calm child” applies to trips over long distances. Children feel the anxiety of their parents and begin to behave restlessly.

Accept help – Agree if friends or relatives are willing to keep you company. Accept the help of strangers who help look after the child, bring hot water, etc.

Keep children safe with helpful products – To protect the baby from falling from the shelf and use special arenas for trains. They are easy to attach to the top shelf. Children like the railway arena because it resembles a house.

Gather a first aid kit Unforeseen injuries and illnesses can happen along the way. The travel first-aid kit should contain antipyretics, drugs for intestinal disorders, cold remedies, dressings, etc.

Buy new toys for the road Children from the age of six months can be interested in a sorter, a rattle, or a music center. Toddlers can learn a new subject for a long time.

Familiar things Take on the road familiar things that will remind the child of home. The blanket and favorite soft toy have a familiar smell to the baby, so they can calm him down.

Baby hygiene – Take care of a sufficient number of diapers, and change of clothes for the child. The train is not the place to buy the missing item. First of all, you should collect the baby’s bag, so it’s easier for parents to remember all the important things about the child.

Traveling with children brings a lot of trouble, but any trip plays a positive role in the development of the child. Experienced travelers are advised to treat traveling with children as part of a new life. The kid acquires new knowledge, impressions, and experience along the way.

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