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Bloating and Gas in Pregnancy

Pregnant women are often accompanied by symptoms of digestive disorders and bowel function. One of these manifestations is bloating and increased gas formation. They cause great discomfort both in early and late pregnancy.

The problem is associated with the impossibility of natural release from the accumulated gases in the intestines. The work of peristalsis is disrupted and muscle tone weakens under the influence of hormones. The intestines overflow with gases and swell, causing discomfort.

When Does Bloating and Gas Start in Pregnancy?

Bloating and increased gas formation are observed in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. This symptom begins with a hormonal imbalance. An increased level of hormones affects the functioning of the pancreas, intestines, and muscles. Intestinal problems in the third trimester begin with increased pressure from the uterus on the intestines and other digestive organs.


Bloating may appear in the 3rd week of pregnancy. This symptom is most pronounced from the 8th to the 12th week. The second trimester is not characterized by similar symptoms.

Flatulence manifests itself from the 36th week. The baby grows up a lot at this time and the uterus presses on the organs more intensively, disrupting the intestines.

Bloating and gas

When will it end?

The first symptoms of flatulence disappear after the 12rd week of pregnancy. The hormonal background is normalized. The body gradually gets used to pregnancy. The entire second trimester is a period of relative rest.

The manifestation of the symptom in the third trimester may disappear after the 36th week. The internal organs will take a displaced position and will work in such conditions.

How Do Mood Swings Feel?

A woman’s sensations of a symptom of bloating will depend on the initial health of the digestive system: the presence of chronic diseases, functional disorders, and dietary failures. Individual sensitivity and pain threshold will create an acute or mild degree of sensation in a woman in the position.

Much is determined by the condition and tone of the muscles of the pregnant woman. The symptom will be easier to tolerate if the expectant mother went in for sports and her abdominal muscles are well developed.


A woman feels strong distension of the abdomen, pain, and discomfort in an exacerbated state of bloating and increased gas formation. Gases do not go well, the stomach is greatly enlarged, and there is frequent belching and other digestive problems.


The pregnant woman will notice that the discharge of gases has increased with a mild form. Gas formation rises after each meal and gases easily pass out. The abdomen does not hurt but often makes rumbling sounds.

Bloating should not be accompanied by negative symptoms in the form of severe pain, vomiting, constipation!

Prevention methods

Preventive measures to reduce bloating during pregnancy are expressed in the elimination of digestive problems before conception. It is best to plan a pregnancy and make sure that chronic diseases remain in remission. Avoid acute forms of gastritis, colitis, and cholecystitis. The main ways to prevent bloating and increased gas formation:

Remove provocative foods from the diet

It is necessary to remove legumes, carbonated drinks, garlic, fresh cabbage, marinades, yeast dough, and more. Anything that increases the level of gases in the intestines should be kept to a minimum. Choose foods that do not provoke digestive problems. Less sweet, starchy, spicy.

Strengthen the tone of the abdominal muscles

Try to do exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles before conception. Do vacuum exercises combined with breathing practices. This will prolong the effect as much as possible and allow the muscles to maintain their tone in the first months of pregnancy. The gases will come out much easier.

Don’t wear tight clothing

The accumulation of gases and their wandering can be triggered by tight clothing. Don’t use tight belts. Clothing should fit your size and not squeeze the abdominal cavity. The constant wearing of improper clothing contributes to regular violations of the natural discharge of flatus.

Why Bloating and Gas happen in Pregnancy?

The primary cause of bloating and increased gas formation during pregnancy is hormonal imbalance. It disrupts the work of intestinal motility and lowers the enzymatic activity of the pancreas. This destabilizes digestion. Flatulence, belching, and heartburn appear.

Intestinal health during gestation is affected by constant stress. They provoke bloating that can develop into a chronic form and persist after childbirth. The triggers for the appearance of digestive problems are malnutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, sleep disturbances, and a poor drinking regimen.

The cause of bloating in the later stages of gestation is the growth of the uterus. The child significantly increases in size, and the uterus presses on the intestines, preventing the natural discharge of gases.


It is necessary to use only methods approved by the doctor to eliminate the already existing problem with increased gas formation. Means of protection can be medical and physiological. The first includes taking harmless drugs. The second is aimed at physical exercises and other ways to reduce the manifestation of flatulence.

Preparations with simethicone

Simethicone products are harmless to pregnant women. They are eliminated from the body. Simethicone collapses gas bubbles as it passes through the food passages, gently expelling them to the outside. Consult with your doctor beforehand, despite the harmlessness of the drugs. He will assess your situation and prescribe an adequate dosage.


Drinking plenty of water can solve many digestive problems. You can drink a large glass of clean water in one gulp if the amount of gases during the gestation period is increased and the stomach is swollen. It should be at room temperature or warm. This will remove the gases and ease the situation. Keep a stable drinking regimen. This will help the bowels and eliminate the stagnation of gases.

Thorough chewing

Slow down your meals and chew your food more thoroughly. This will reduce the risk of increased gas formation. Do not rush to eat, do not eat on the go, and be accompanied by gadgets or TV. Any distracting visual and audio accompaniments disrupt the chewing process. Food is swallowed in large chunks and provokes increased gas formation.


The reason for contacting a doctor should be the presence of concomitant negative symptoms. This includes high fever, stronger pain in the abdominal cavity, profuse vomiting, and sudden weight loss.

Bloating and gas formation is not pathology, but they can be symptoms of serious diseases of pancreatitis, colitis, enteritis, and neoplasms. A timely visit to the doctor will help to solve the problem without harm to the health of the child.

What Not to Do

If there is already a problem with the increased gas formation and bloating, it cannot be ignored. It is worth seeking the help of a specialist in the acute course of symptoms. No need to endure this symptom and suffer from the discomfort that it brings into your life. Consider the main prohibitions in the event of severe bloating and increased gas formation during pregnancy:

Do not massage

It is strictly forbidden to massage the abdomen. This method is approved for non-pregnant women. Massage can disrupt circulation, injure the baby, or cause a miscarriage.

Don’t drink sugary sodas

These drinks are prohibited during pregnancy due to high sugar and gas levels. They artificially create flatulence and aggravate the situation.

Don’t move for a long time

It is necessary to maintain maximum mobility during pregnancy. Walk more, do light gymnastics, swim. This will improve the discharge of gases and maintain physical fitness.

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