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Heartburn in Pregnancy

A burning sensation and unpleasant discomfort in the chest area worry most pregnant women. This heartburn is one of the most common symptoms of the gestation period. It may be accompanied by a feeling of acidity, frequent coughing, hoarseness, or bad breath.

The appearance of heartburn during pregnancy is short-lived. The symptom is most often observed in women who have problems with the health of the digestive tract before conception.

When Does Heartburn Start in Pregnancy?

Heartburn during pregnancy begins in the first trimester. It can manifest itself during the entire period of gestation if you do not follow the basic principles of proper nutrition. This symptom is most often characteristic of the first and last trimesters. A burning sensation in the chest can begin along with a sharp jump in progesterone.


Most women suffer from heartburn at the 6th, 7th, and 9th weeks of pregnancy according to doctors. Heartburn is much less common from the 13th to the 21st week.

Burning and acidity may appear in the 25th, 28th, and 30th weeks. The symptom manifests itself in the 32nd week after conception. The symptom worries a woman in the 36th week with a large volume of the abdomen.

Heartburn weeks in pregnancy

When will it end?

The first and most severe symptoms of heartburn disappear after the 9th week of pregnancy. The symptom subsides upon completion of the adaptation of the woman’s body to a high level of progesterone. The end of discomfort will depend on the state of health of the woman and her nutrition.

Heartburn should be completely gone after the 32nd week of pregnancy. This is subject to a normalized regimen, the absence of exacerbated chronic diseases, and moderate weight of the child.

How Heartburn Feels?

A woman experiences an unpleasant burning sensation in the chest area with the appearance of heartburn. It is localized in the esophagus and creates a feeling of increased acidity. A woman observes an increase in symptoms when eating. It is unpleasant for her to eat, swallow and even chew food. The manifestation of the symptom can be acute and mild.


This is a strong, burning, and unbearable pain inside the chest. It does not subside for a long time, responds with a sour taste in the mouth, and is accompanied by constant belching, painful swallowing, and bad breath.


A mild form of symptoms is expressed in a feeling of increased acidity and an unpleasant burning sensation in the esophagus. The phenomenon is short-term and quite tolerable. A woman can eat and does not experience pain.

Acute heartburn is best eliminated immediately with medications that are acceptable during pregnancy!

Prevention methods

Preventive therapies can go a long way in reducing symptoms. Heartburn most often appears in the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive tract. All preventive measures should be aimed at bringing diseases into remission. This is best done before conception.

Check the level of stomach acidity

Get checked out by a gastroenterologist to check your stomach acid levels. Reduce acidity with appropriate drugs. Regulate nutrition so that there are no relapses and exacerbation of symptoms. Follow the diet for as long as possible. This will reduce the risk of manifestations of other diseases of the digestive tract.

Do not replace meals with snacks

It is necessary to strictly observe the diet to prevent the occurrence of heartburn. Be sure to eat hot meals at lunch. Do not replace a full meal with dry snacks. The constant skipping of hot meals provokes a feeling of hunger. The stomach at the same time actively produces acid, increasing the risk of heartburn.

Do not lie down after eating

It is not recommended to take a horizontal position at the end of a meal. This provokes the entry of gastric juice into the esophagus. It is worth being as calm and upright as possible after eating. This should take at least half an hour. Physical activity is also not recommended. Heartburn will be an eternal companion of your condition if you break these rules on an ongoing basis.

Why Heartburns happen in Pregnancy?

The cause of heartburn in the first trimester of pregnancy is an increase in progesterone levels. This leads to the release of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus.

Heartburn in the third trimester is the result of uterine pressure on the stomach and intestines. A full stomach throws its contents into the esophagus when squeezed. A woman feels an unpleasant acidity and a strong burning sensation in her chest.

Heartburn at other stages of pregnancy may occur due to spontaneous eating without observing the simplest dietary norms. Frequent snacking, skipping meals, and the abuse of sour foods can provoke heartburn at any gestation period.


There are many drugs available and approved during pregnancy that will eliminate all the symptoms of heartburn in the shortest possible time. Doctors often recommend taking medications when symptoms are severe. Sometimes light exercise helps to get rid of burning and acidity without medication.


Gastroenterologists recommend acid-neutralizing antacids. They include salts of magnesium, aluminum, sodium bicarbonate, or sodium carbonate. They suppress acid activity and relieve symptoms. Long-term use helps to get rid of heartburn for a long time. All medications must be agreed upon with the gynecologist.


Milk is a harmless and proven product that relieves the symptoms of heartburn. This is a quick handy assistant to suppress the burning sensation. Milk envelops the stomach and extinguishes the action of acid. This neutralizes the pH and quickly gets rid of the hateful symptoms. Milk cannot be a remedy. This is just a first aid method for heartburn.

Small portions

Large portions of food at one time load the stomach creating the risk of overeating. Nutrition should be dosed with a significant increase in the abdomen. Eat small meals but often. This method well prevents the appearance of heartburn in the third trimester when the size of the uterus is significantly increased.


You should consult a doctor if heartburn is accompanied by unacceptable symptoms. These include severe pain in the epigastrium, persistent cough after eating, acid eructations, and stool disorders.

Heartburn can be a sign of serious problems with the digestive tract. Get tested if the symptom persists for a long period of gestation. Gentle therapy is acceptable during pregnancy. This will reduce the risk of complications and nutritional problems.

What Not to Do

Many women make blunders when symptoms of heartburn appear. They drink soda, eat nuts, or drink herbal infusions. These methods are extremely doubtful and dangerous to health. You cannot use untested and aggressive ways to deal with symptoms. Consider the main prohibitions for the appearance of heartburn during the gestation period:

Do not self-medicate

You can only extinguish the first symptoms with a glass of milk. Using non-traditional methods for heartburn is not recommended, as well as taking drugs that are not approved by a doctor.

Don’t overeat

Constant overeating provokes the release of gastric juice into the esophagus, irritating it and causing heartburn attacks. Divide large portions into several.

Do not tolerate burning

A strong burning sensation in the chest indicates intense irritation of the esophagus. These symptoms must be neutralized as soon as possible.

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