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Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy

There are many complications caused by the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs during pregnancy. One of them is hemorrhoids. This is a disease of the rectum, expressed in varicose veins and nodes of its lower part. In the anus, hanging hemorrhoids form in severe form.

Hemorrhoids appear in half of the pregnant women. Provokes the development of a reduced motor activity, hormonal disruptions, and overweight. The disease can occur in chronic and acute forms.

When Hemorrhoids Start in Pregnancy?

Symptoms of hemorrhoids disturb a woman in the second and third trimesters. This is due to a significant increase in uterine pressure, the growth of the abdomen, and the weight of the pregnant woman. Hemorrhoids can also appear in the first trimester if a woman previously tended to varicose veins, constipation, and problems with defecation.


Women complain of symptoms of hemorrhoids starting from the 25th week of pregnancy. Rectal vein dilatation and nodules may occur at 29 and 34 weeks of gestation.

The situation can become chronic if not treated immediately. Symptoms persist until the end of pregnancy and remain with the woman after childbirth.

Hemorrhoids pregnancy weeks

When will it end?

Hemorrhoids will never go away on their own. The end of the symptoms occurs after the correct treatment or therapy. It should normally pass after the 34th week. This will be subject to the rules of supporting the body, the elimination of provoking factors, and the observance of elementary hygiene standards.

How Does it Feel?

Feelings, when hemorrhoids appear, are extremely unpleasant. It is impossible to miss them. It can be severe pain while sitting, a burning sensation, and painful defecation. Sometimes there is itching and tingling in the anus. A woman experiences irritable feelings in the anus, which are aggravated by physical exertion.


Hemorrhoids are manifested by sharp pains during or after a bowel movement in an acute form. There may be blood discharge, the formation of hanging knots, and burning and itching in the anus. Does not leave the constant feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.


Hemorrhoids in a mild degree proceed without the appearance of protruding hemorrhoids. No bleeding from the anus. There is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines, itching, and slight tingling in the anus.

The appearance of hemorrhoids significantly reduces the quality of life of a woman in the position.

Prevention methods

Preventive measures to combat hemorrhoids are aimed at improving the functioning of the digestive system, a healthy lifestyle, and proper nutrition. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate all concomitant diseases of the digestive tract. Take care of maintaining constant mobility and timely treatment of bowel problems. Let’s take a closer look at ways to prevent hemorrhoids:

Refusal of bad habits

Alcohol and smoking are bad for vascular health. Blood circulation is disturbed, and blood clots and vasodilation appear. Give up alcohol and tobacco long before pregnancy. You will notice how your condition improves after six months without bad habits.


This is the best exercise to prevent the formation of hemorrhoids. Normalizes blood flow in the vessels of the rectum. The regularity of the stool is established and the muscles of the pelvis and thighs are strengthened. Regular squats in combination with other physical activity will prevent the development of hemorrhoids during the gestation period.

More fiber

Give fiber a special role in your diet. Eat more cereals and plant foods. Meals should be organized so that fiber becomes an integral part of every meal. This will increase the patency of the intestines, and eliminate the problem of constipation that provoke the development of hemorrhoids. The use of fiber should always be accompanied by a plentiful drinking regime, otherwise, there will be no result.

Why Hemorrhoids Occur in Pregnancy?

The primary cause of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is a change in hormonal levels. The production of estrogens increases, which weakens the muscle tone of the vascular wall. This leads to the appearance of nodes and their protrusion from the anus.

The increased pressure of the uterus on the internal organs disrupts the functioning of the intestines and weakens the muscles of the anus. Dilated vessels of the lower part of the rectum and hemorrhoids are formed. Frequent constipation during pregnancy is poured out as a provoking factor for hemorrhoids. Stagnation of feces stretches the vascular wall of the intestine causing hemorrhoids.

The motor activity of a woman is greatly reduced during the period of gestation. She begins to sit more, lie down and pay little attention to physical activity. This relaxes the muscles of the anal sphincter and the vascular wall of the rectum. The overweight woman complicates the situation. This increases the pressure on the intestines, stimulating the appearance of varicose veins.


It is better to start therapy immediately when the first symptoms of hemorrhoids appear. It may include medication or simple conservative methods. Among the means of protection against hemorrhoids, narrowly targeted topical preparations work best. Consider the options for the most effective remedies for hemorrhoids:

Regular bowel movements

Do everything so that the bowel movement is on time and constantly. You must empty your bowels at least once a day. This will help a lot in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Additional pressure and irritation of the intestines will decrease. This method will not help with hemorrhoids, but it prevents the transition of the disease into an acute form.

Rectal suppositories

This is a very effective remedy for hemorrhoids. It helps even with already formed nodes. Rectal suppositories constrict blood vessels, relieve inflammation, and strengthen the walls of the veins. Bullet-shaped suppositories for rectal administration may contain sea buckthorn oil, calendula, propolis, and other active substances.

Ointments and gels

A positive therapeutic result is given by ointments for hemorrhoids. They help to eliminate the external manifestations of the disease. The hemorrhoids that have fallen out are removed and the cracks are healed. Gels are more effective. They have a cooling and analgesic effect. This greatly facilitates the course of the disease. The woman feels a decrease in symptoms.


Be sure to consult a doctor if hemorrhoids appear and they are very large and there are a lot of them. Do not prolong your visit to the proctologist in case of spontaneous bleeding or the appearance of blood during bowel movements. You may need surgery. Contact your doctor immediately if you notice that it is very painful for you to sit, go to the toilet, or even move around.

What Not to Do

It is better to use maintenance therapy even if the hemorrhoids are mild. Do not ignore the primary symptoms. This disease is dangerous for its reactivity of development into an acute form and complications. Do not use non-traditional methods of treatment. Here is an example of the main prohibitions for the appearance of hemorrhoids during pregnancy:

Do not lift weights

The additional load will increase the risk of knot formation and provoke hemorrhage. Muscle tension and pressure on the abdominal cavity further destroy the vascular wall.

Don’t use ice

There is a practice of cold treatment – cryotherapy. It can only be performed under medical conditions. Applying ice cubes and rinsing with ice water will not help.

Sedentary lifestyle

It is forbidden to remain immobile for a long time. Any static needs to be diluted with physical exercises: squats, walking, swimming, and gymnastics. The load should be moderate and regular.

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