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Increased Cervical Mucus in Pregnancy

Cervical mucus is a substance that fills the cervical canal of the cervix. The mucus forms a cork consisting of glycoproteins. The mucus becomes less viscous, especially during the period of ovulation before pregnancy. This is necessary to facilitate the path of sperm to the egg.

Cervical mucus becomes thicker and more abundant in the first weeks after conception. This contributes to the formation of a dense protective cork that prevents infection from entering the uterus. You can judge the well-being of pregnancy by the state of cervical mucus.

When Does Increased Cervical Mucus Start in Pregnancy?

Cervical mucus production increases immediately after conception. It becomes thicker, clearer, and stickier in the first trimester. This character of mucus persists in the first couple of weeks after conception. This allows you to create a plug and prevent the penetration of infections into the uterus. An increase in cervical mucus can be considered the first noticeable sign of the onset of fertilization.


An increase in cervical mucus is observed in the first and second weeks of pregnancy. The abundance of these secretions may persist for the first trimester. This happens under the influence of the female hormone estrogen. Their level stimulates blood flow in the pelvic area. Further, the amount of mucus is markedly reduced. You may not see copious cervical mucus discharge until the mucus plug has cleared.

Increased Cervical Mucus weeks

When will it end?

Increased secretion of cervical mucus ends after the 2nd week of pregnancy. This occurs with the final formation of a mucous protective plug on the cervix. Reducing estrogen reduces the amount of mucus making it thicker and less profuse. The cessation of the active production of cervical mucus is associated with the lack of need for its direct function.

How Does it Feel?

Increased secretion of mucus in the first weeks after conception is felt as excessive vaginal moisture. A woman often changes her daily pad and feels slight discomfort. Sometimes streaks of blood may appear along with the cervical mucus. They talk about the successful implantation of the embryo. The beginning of pregnancy is marked by increased secretions. They should be felt without negative symptoms.


Excessively abundant secretion of cervical mucus is felt by increased moisture in the vagina. Underwear or panty liners become covered with a slimy film. This makes the woman feel uncomfortable.


Moderate secretion of cervical mucus goes unnoticed by the pregnant woman. She will not distinguish this symptom from the usual state of her genitals. Such discharge is not accompanied by itching or pain.

The abundant appearance of cervical mucus in the first weeks of pregnancy suggests that everything is going well.

Changes in cervical mucus that are considered normal

A woman notices changes in vaginal discharge during pregnancy. The nature of cervical mucus is especially different. It changes visually, quantitatively, and consistency. A woman is used to noticing an increase in mucus during the period of ovulation, but the mucus dries up and disappears after the end of ovulation. It can be considered the first sign of pregnancy if this does not happen.

Profuse discharge

First of all, the amount of secreted mucus changes. It becomes much larger than the usual volume. The production of mucus is because it is necessary to create a protective plug that blocks the opening of the cervix. This protects the fetus from infection. Estrogen levels rise during the first trimester. They stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area and cause a copious secretion of cervical mucus.


Cervical mucus in early pregnancy may look creamy, sticky, and quite viscous. It thickens, becomes denser, and formed. Liquid and clear discharge, similar to egg white, is a sign of the onset of menstruation. You can expect pregnancy if the discharge becomes more creamy, formed, and dense. Mucus consistency is not an accurate indicator of pregnancy.


Cervical mucus does not have any particular color. It may contain blood in early pregnancy. This gives it a slightly pinkish or brownish hue. This happens during the implantation of the embryo. A woman may notice abundant mucus and blood marks on her underwear.

Why Increased Cervical Mucus Occurs in Pregnancy?

Changes in cervical mucus during pregnancy are associated with hormonal changes during the reproductive cycle. Mucus is secreted by glands that are located in and around the cervix. This substance helps to lubricate, nourish and cleanse the vaginal environment. The process of abundant mucus production is triggered by an increased level of estrogen.

The rush of blood to the pelvic organs stimulates blood circulation. The process of formation of a protective mucous plug begins. It is formed by thick cervical mucus. This is necessary to create a safe barrier against exposure to infections.

The mechanisms for creating a favorable environment for gestation work quickly and smoothly. An increase and thickening of mucus in the first trimester indicate a successful conception.

Features of hygiene with an increase in cervical mucus

Changing the nature of the discharge in early pregnancy sometimes requires more thorough personal hygiene. Profuse cervical mucus can be very heavy due to increased hormone production. This causes some discomfort in women. The sensation of moisture increases and self-confidence decreases. Consider the features of hygiene with an increase in cervical mucus:

A minimum of chemicals

Pay special attention to the choice of intimate hygiene products in the first trimester. They should be pH neutral. Do not use gels with a large number of parabens and other petroleum products. Avoid using harsh intimate cleansers. You can use baby hypoallergenic soap.

Do not wash deeply

Do not wash inside the vagina if you are expecting pregnancy or already know about it. The mechanical impact can damage the mucosa or provoke the development of pathogenic microflora. A large amount of mucus is needed to form a cork. No need to get rid of it artificially.

Better use panty liners. Change them as often as possible. Gently dab your perineum with a dry washcloth when you go to the toilet. This will reduce the uncomfortable feeling of dampness.

Regular shower

The shower should become regular with profuse mucus. Wash intimate places in the morning and the evening, gently refreshing the surface of the external genitalia. Mucus is an excellent environment for the development of bacteria. Harmful microflora can develop if it is not washed off from the labia. The shower must be warm. It is not necessary to use hygiene products regularly. You can get away with just water.


The abundance and density of cervical mucus are not accurate indicators of the onset of pregnancy. It is better to be more attentive to the secretions if you are trying to conceive a child and are waiting for this event. You should immediately consult a doctor if there is severe pain and bleeding.

Cervical mucus cannot be pungent or have an abnormal color. Any deviations from the norm should be suspicious and discussed with the doctor.

What Not to Do

There are many prohibitions at the beginning of pregnancy. They are best observed when you are expecting conception. Unplanned pregnancies are more likely to be at risk. You need to know what is allowed and what is prohibited when the first signs of pregnancy appear. This also applies to an increase in the volume of cervical mucus. What better not to do:

Have unprotected sex

Unprotected sex can cause infection to enter the womb. It is better to completely refrain from intimacy in the first few weeks after conception.

Use vaginal suppositories

Often, women confuse abundant cervical mucus with symptoms of thrush and begin self-medication with vaginal suppositories. This is strictly prohibited. You can disrupt the microflora of the vagina and provoke a miscarriage.


Irrigation of the mucosa should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. This procedure is prohibited with an increase in cervical mucus. There is no need for it, as this phenomenon is normal.

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