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Nausea in Pregnancy

An unpleasant symptom in the form of nausea appears at the beginning of pregnancy. This is part of the toxic manifestations that changes the way of life and reduces the appetite and the quality of the existence of the pregnant woman. Unpleasant feelings in the sternum, pharynx, and oral cavity often precede vomiting.

Nausea can accompany a pregnant woman for almost the entire gestation period. This phenomenon is rare but happens due to hormonal health problems. Nausea is considered a complicating manifestation of pregnancy. It is caused by metabolic disorders and a change in the behavioral reactions of a woman during the gestation period.

When Does Nausea Start in Pregnancy?

Nausea during pregnancy is typical for the first trimester. It rarely appears in the second trimester. Nausea can be severe in the third trimester of pregnancy with late toxicosis. Especially with multiple pregnancy. Symptoms of painful sensations in the pre-stomach region begin with an increase in HCG in the blood.


Nausea accompanies almost every pregnant woman starting from the 3rd week. This continues until the 14th week of pregnancy. The symptoms are annoying every day. This is especially felt in the morning and during the period of hunger. Nausea symptoms may appear at week 17. Infrequent complaints were recorded at the 26th and 37th weeks.

Nausea pregnancy weeks

When will it end?

Nausea in pregnant women disappears after the completion of toxicosis. This is about the 14th week of pregnancy. Nausea may recur in the third trimester – from the 28th to the 37th week if the woman is prone to late toxicosis. This symptom passes closer to childbirth – at the 39th week.

How Does Nausea Feel During Pregnancy?

The manifestation of nausea is accompanied by unpleasant, painful sensations inside the chest, in the esophagus, larynx, and oral cavity. These feelings are often accompanied by increased salivation and increased acidity. A woman feels weakness of the limbs, lethargy, and rarely vomiting.


Acute nausea often culminates in vomiting. The body becomes too relaxed, the woman feels cold sweat and trembling limbs. Strong gagging causes reflex regurgitation. It is not necessarily accompanied by an outpouring of vomit.


Nausea in a mild form is expressed by persistent discomfort in the epigastric region. A woman experiences exhausting and uncomfortable feelings with intolerable smells, food, or hunger.

Nausea indicates that everything in your body is tuned to bear a child.

Prevention Methods

It is impossible to completely get rid of the manifestations of nausea during pregnancy. There are several ways to help you reduce the likelihood of the influence of factors provoking it. Preventive measures will help to avoid the acute course of symptoms and slightly improve the quality of the period experienced. Here is an example of effective nausea prevention measures:

Examination of the digestive organs

This measure should be done in preparation for pregnancy. If you have previously had problems with the stomach, intestines, or gallbladder, then it is better to solve them before conception. Get therapy to achieve remission. The better the condition of the digestive tract during pregnancy, the less you will be bothered by nausea and vomiting.

Long walks in the fresh air

Oxygen heals. In combination with light physical activity, the symptoms of toxicosis are relieved. The pregnant woman begins to feel much better. There are no provoking factors and unpleasant odors around. Enrichment of blood with oxygen reduces unpleasant feelings inside the chest, increases muscle activity, and distracts from toxicosis.

Proper nutrition

Try to eliminate fatty foods from your diet during pregnancy. It strongly provokes a feeling of nausea. Do not eat foods that make you feel uncomfortable. Do not under any circumstances overeat. This can provoke vomiting that will follow after nausea.

Eat more fruits, vegetables, berries, greens, and liquid warm foods. Such meals in the fractional form will reduce the risk of an exacerbated manifestation of nausea.

Why Nausa Occurs in Pregnancy?

Nausea during pregnancy is manifested by a combination of reasons that are interconnected. Fundamental are hormonal changes in the mother’s body. Indirectly affects the appearance of protective reactions and adaptation to new conditions during restructuring within all systems.

The level of hCG in the blood rises at the beginning of pregnancy. It is this hormone that affects the appearance of nausea during the gestation period. This happens through some mechanisms: signals are sent to the brain and through the digestive system.

The sensitivity of reactions to stimuli increases during the gestation period. A woman negatively perceives most smells and tastes. This directly provokes the appearance of nausea. The symptom worries the woman most in the morning. This is due to the high concentration of the hCG hormone and mild hunger.


Women use a huge number of drugs that reduce the manifestation of nausea during the gestation period. Some of them can be effective only in an individual case. There are generally accepted ways to reduce the unpleasant feelings of nausea. Consider the most effective options for assistance.


Try not to allow a strong feeling of hunger to minimize the symptoms of nausea. It provokes bouts of painful and uncomfortable sensations in the stomach and esophagus. Always carry nuts, dried fruits, fruits, and crackers with you. Mints help a lot. The chewing process starts digestion and relieves the symptoms of toxicosis.

Plentiful drink

Drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day. This will help reduce the concentration of toxins and cleanse the body. Drinking relieves the symptoms of nausea. An unpleasant sour plaque is washed off from the mouth and esophagus. A woman in position begins to feel better.

It is especially important to drink plenty of water in the heat and when you are in a stuffy room. Nausea in such situations is especially acute.


This is a psychological technique that helps to dramatically change the work of the brain and switch it to some other tasks. It is possible to begin to evaluate the environment during the period of nausea attacks: cold, hot, light, or dark, as the wind blows.

It helps to examine the details and objects around with a clear and detailed assessment of their appearance. Switching attention is an extremely effective method. You need to learn how to use it correctly.


You should contact your doctor if you experience nausea after the 14th week of pregnancy. The second trimester is not characterized by such symptoms. This may indicate the presence of internal problems or hormonal disruptions.

It is better to seek help from a doctor if nausea ends with frequent vomiting in the third trimester. Constant contractions of the abdominal cavity are dangerous for pregnancy. Vomiting is not a typical symptom at the end of pregnancy.

What Not to Do

Do not provoke your body to show symptoms during toxicosis. Avoid any factors that increase nausea and stimulate gag reflexes. Do not panic. Excitement is bad for the fetus. Use our recommendations on what not to do when you experience nausea:

Don’t use fragrances

Exclude the use of aerosols, fresheners, household chemicals with a smell, and toilet water. These are strongly provoking factors that increase the symptoms. This also includes tobacco.

Don’t stay stuffy

Avoid cramped and unventilated rooms with a large number of people. Open the window in the house and start the oxygen. Dress appropriately for the weather so you don’t overheat.

Medicines for nausea

Typical pharmaceuticals and alternative medicines for nausea may have hidden ingredients. Their effect on the fetus has not been studied.

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