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How Often do Parents Have Sex?

Married couples understand that a new period will come in their life after the birth of a child. Habits and sex life will change. A woman switches from the role of a lover, friend, and interlocutor to a mother. The lion’s share of time is spent on baby care. Many partners note that they move away from each other with the advent of a child.

A decrease in female libido is associated with fatigue, hormonal levels, or a change in role. A woman during lactation is not physiologically ready for procreation. This affects the frequency of having sex. Sociological surveys show that the number of sexual acts in married couples with the advent of children decreases significantly.

How Often do Parents Have Sex

Newlyweds have sex five to seven times a week. The amount of intimacy may decrease during the first years of married life. Most changes await a couple after the birth of a child. So how often do parents have sex?

Parents have 47% less sex after their first child than before. The frequency of intimacy averages 10-12 times a month. Many couples report a decline in the quality of intercourse. Spontaneous sex disappears in parents with the appearance of two or more children. There is a need to adapt to the sleep and schedule of children.

The number of sex sessions for parents with many children is limited to one or two times a week. The lack of intimacy is affected by fatigue from caring for children, stress, and being busy at work. Intimate life is restored as children grow up. Parents of children from five years old manage to establish a sexual life.

What Stops Parents From Having Regular Sex?

People have sex to get physical pleasure and relieve tension. Sex for a couple is also important as a way of communication. Physical intimacy helps build trust between spouses. An established intimate life allows you to maintain the emotional connection of the spouses at a high level.

Many couples are faced with the problem of worsening sexual life after the birth of children. The main reason parents can’t enjoy sex is because of their children. Independent studies have shown that almost 70% of women are dissatisfied with marriage in the first year after the birth of a child.

Raising children dramatically changes a couple’s life. The younger the baby, the more time and effort goes into caring for them. Babies often require the full attention of their mothers. A woman’s libido fades away from fatigue, monotony, and hormonal changes. Parents with older children have sex less often than childless couples. There are several reasons for this.

Low hemoglobin in a woman – Sometimes the refusal of sex causes low hemoglobin. A woman feels constant fatigue, lethargy, and dizziness in this case. Take tests and improve your health if such symptoms occur.

Insufficient amount of sleep – Lack of sleep causes physical exhaustion. Both the wife and the husband devote most of their time to work, children, and household duties. There is no time left for eight hours of sleep. Psychological exhaustion negatively affects the ability to fall asleep quickly.

Habit – Couples living together for several years are faced with the problem of fading feelings and a decrease in the spark in a relationship. Novelty disappears and sex turns into an ordinary process. This negatively affects the libido of spouses.

The difference in the sexual desires of partners – The development of sexuality in men and women takes place in its rhythm. Many couples do not discuss intimate matters and the topic of sex remains taboo for them. The person is not aware of the wants and needs of his partner in such a case. The quality and quantity of sexual intercourse are reduced by the misunderstanding of the problem.

Different sexual constitution –  There is a strong, medium, and weak sexual constitution. People with a strong sexual constitution need regular sex four to five times a week. For people with a weak constitution, one or two sexual intercourses a week are enough.

Should Parents Try to Have More Sex?

Doctors, psychologists, and cosmetologists talk about the benefits of intimate relationships with a regular partner. Sex becomes a simple means of maintaining youth for male and female health. The body releases oxytocin, known as the hormone of happiness during intercourse. Regular sex reduces aggressiveness and bad mood.

The body produces dopamine during orgasm, which causes a feeling of pleasure in a person. Sexologists recommend married couples establish regular sex, whose intimate life is on the decline.

Parents are overcome by fatigue and often between sleep and sex the choice falls on sleep. It is worth making an effort to keep your intimate life in rhythm. Regular sex can strengthen a couple’s relationship and better understand their partner.

What Can Parents do To Have More Sex?

The habitual life of a married couple changes forever with the birth of children. The general atmosphere in the house depends on the quality of the intimate life of the parents. Psychologists say that happy calm parents have the same children.

The emotional climate in the family largely depends on the sexual satisfaction of the parents. In women, the desire to have sex decreases after the birth of a child. This is normal, but it is important to establish an intimate life in the first three months after childbirth. It is worth reconciling with the fact that the quantity and quality of sexual intercourse will not immediately become the same as before.

Sex itself will help increase sexual desire for a partner and the desire to have sex. Sexologists recommend having sex as often as possible, even if there is no desire at first glance. “Compulsory” sexual intercourse is a kind of training for a quality intimate life. Parents can improve sexual relations in other ways.

Conversations and the removal of taboos from the topic of sex – Conversations on any topic help to arouse interest in each other when both partners fall from fatigue. Open dialogues about sexual desires fuel the intimate interest of spouses in each other. Frank conversations help to unite and understand the interests of a partner.

Touches and hugs. Gentle touches are a non-sexual form of expressing love – Hugs and touches tell the partner that he is still interested in his soul mate and still desired. Sexologists remind us that sex often begins with a long foreplay and not in bed. The role of foreplay can be massage, stroking, and holding hands.

SextingFrank correspondence and intimate photos stir up interest in a partner. Sexting is also considered a form of foreplay. It is not necessary to be at a great distance from each other: you can write intimate messages while in another room.

Role-playing and thematic games – This is a good way to spark passion in couples of different ages. Games allow you to realize bold fantasies and try something new in sex.

New locations and a romantic atmosphere – Sex within the walls of your home and at one time quickly becomes a routine. It is worth at least once every few months to organize a weekend in a cozy hotel. Changing the usual time for intimate games. For example, partners most often have sex at night. It is worth rescheduling intimate activities in the morning.

Sex toys and new underwear – Trying on sexy lingerie in itself sets up the necessary romantic wave. A joint trip to a sex shop brings a couple closer and brings a spark to intimate relationships. The very fact of spending non-standard time will inflame the passion between partners, even if the spouses do not buy anything in the store.

Stay alone – It is not easy for parents of young children to find time for a partner and give themselves completely to him. A couple should take the help of grandmothers or hire a nanny. Romantic dinners, dates, and walks will remind you of what the feelings were at the very beginning of the relationship.

Teach your child to sleep separately – It is much easier for a mother to breastfeed her baby when he sleeps nearby. That way she can get some sleep. There is another side to the coin in co-sleeping. Children in many cases do not want to lie down separately. Sometimes five-year-olds can come to the bedroom with their parents. Joint sleep with a child negatively affects the quality of the sexual life of spouses.

The intimate life of a couple undergoes significant changes with the advent of children. It is important to talk about your desires (not only intimate ones), praise, and thank your partner to maintain a relationship. Sexual relationships will satisfy both partners if every opportunity is used to restore passion between spouses.

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